Luke's Working Notes

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All discourse is multilayered, resisting reductionist approaches to interpretation.

My strong belief is that there is more knowledge in heaven and earth than we can imagine, not less. My interest in breaking down a chapter or book is absolutely not to bury my head in the technical details or to imply that it is “nothing but” the sum of its parts. It is always more. Often much more. I want to offer an expansive view of God’s revelation through His word and His world. I want to help people see the layers in how God communicates to us and how good writers communicate to others.

These categories or layers cover different types of knowledge and different ways of knowing. Each one is also connected to a key universal.

The 8 layers of meaning serve as an organizing framework for all three books. I find it useful to think of them as a “textual topography”. As layers that can be unpacked from a text. Like the contour coloring of height in topographic maps.