: a class or division used to group people, things, or concepts according to shared characteristics
// library classification systems, scientific taxonomies, Aristotle's categories, entertainment genres
Abstraction and analogy are the fuel and fire of cognition. We instinctively seek to understand by creating categories for the things we experience and learn.
On categories and semantics in language
On the connection between comparison and categorization
On natural vs. artificial categories
On prototype theory
On category mistakes
On the politics of categorization
On categories as tools for thought
On fuzzy categories vs discrete categories
On philosophical categorizations
Application Tags and Folders
E-commerce Product Categories
Library Classification Systems
Entertainment genres
Music playlists
Listicle blog posts
Color wheel
Social Media Hashtags
Scientific Taxonomies (Linnaean classification system)
User personas in design
Folksonomy Tagging
Aristotle's "Categories": Substance
All Metaphor and analogy relies on abstraction and categorization.
Surfaces and Essences: Analogy as the Fuel and Fire of Thinking - Douglas Hofstadter & Emmanuel Sander
"The Order of Things" by Michel Foucault
"Metaphysics" by Aristotle (specifically the section on categories)
"Systema Naturae" by Carl Linnaeus (for scientific taxonomy)
"A New System of Classification" by Carolus Linnaeus