Luke's Working Notes

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: the parts of a discourse that surround a word, passage, idea, or source and can throw light on its meaning and application

// logical, historical, practical (role or responsibility), cultural, authorial (intent)


Context plays a critical role in shaping our understanding of ideas, texts, and situations.

Outline of Topics

On the inevitability of context omission

On the importance of preserving context

On having a serious context for use

On "context clues" as a metaphor for all communication


The context of a citation (logical)

The context of a quotation from an author (historical)

The context where a specific problem presents itself (practical)

The context of a scientific experiment (practical)

The context of a legal precedent (legal)

The context of an artifact (cultural)

The context of a philosophical movement (intellectual)

The context of a social movement (social)


Frame of Reference

Use Case

Levels of Context

Context Clues


Background Information may provide useful context for a Topic or Subject.

A Claim may be dependent on the context in which it is made.